Baton from Kütiorg to Kadriorg. Force. Spirit. Power.
4. 01. 2020, it's early morning. The three curators gathered in an oak grove in Kütiorg, an ancient ritual place, to inaugurate the project "Baton from Kütiorg to Kadriorg". It was a crisp, but foggy morning. Everything was buried in the grey light, that had thousands of shades, each filled with their own character and force.
We were suppose to start with "Force" at the lightest time of the year in June 15 at Vana-Võromaa Museum, so that two years later we could arrive with force from Võrumaa, filled with spirit from the academic Tartu to Kadriorg, the centre of power in the capital city of Tallinn.
13. 03. 2020 the state of emergency and international pandemic was announced, the society was closed. Because of uncertainty of the situation, "Force" had to be postponed into the year 2021.
„Baton from Kütiorg to Kadriorg. Force. Spirit. Power” consists of three exhibitions or stops: first, "Force" " at Vana-Võromaa Museum and Art Gallery in 2021; second "Spirit" in the University of Tartu Museum and St. John's Church in 2022; and third "Power" in Kadriorg Park and Art Museum in 2023.
„Baton from Kütiorg to Kadriorg. Force. Spirit. Power” is a curatorial project in which the concept, the selection of artists for the Võru exhibition and the medium were devised by the curators and keep evolving like passing a baton. The artists and curators of “Force” pass the baton to the artists of “Spirit” and they, in turn, to those of “Power”.
The purpose of the exhibition trilogy is to combine power with force by spirit and to find the real force in the hearth of power, not only satisfaction of personal ambitions.