Jana Huul, Marje Taska and Reet Varblane, coordinator Stella Mõttus
Villu Plink
Anna Hints, Peeter Laurits, Ivo Lill, Elo Liiv, Raul Meel, Len Murusalu, Terje Ojaver, Villu Plink and Silja Saarepuu, Uku Sepsivart and Sanne Sihm

"Force" is introduced by a (the Force) concept visualized by curators Jana Huul, Marje Taska and Reet Varblane: a mentally charged silver object with a text Sanctus Praesens and the ritual of consecrating a baton filmed in the early morning of the new moon phase in Kütiorg sacred natural site.
The development of technology and science hasn't only helped with creating a welfare society but with its recklessness, has initiated an ecological crisis. Primal nature and ancestors' wisdom remind us of the source of the force.
Peeter Laurits has seen force mightier as human, from an eternal perspective ("Gordion's Knot"). Ivo Lill's colourful glass object "Refraction" functions as the symbol of light and its force.
Anna Hints' installation "Talks with dead grandmother. Dream nr 26122020" and Swedish artist Sanne Sihm's enormous faces speak of the ancestors' strength. These are in harmony with Terje Ojaver's sculpture "The One-Legged Plow Woman" which is the embodiment of an old woman's toughness.
Uku Sepsivart and Elo Liiv ponder about the tracks of human beings: Sepsivart with a bit of absurdity, Liiv depicts the loss of the force of humankind and nature's rebellion.
Ka Len Murusalu video „Kuldajastut otsimas“ tegelane on tema ise, kes ühteviisi anonüümsena tagantvaates kujutatuna, silmapiiri silmitsejana ilmub vaataja ette mitmetes maailmapaikades. Rahutu vandersellina näib ta otsivat ennast ja oma väge, kuid ka hindavat just seda hetke, kus kaamera on teda tabanud. Ta on alati just siin ja praegu, sanctus praesens’is. Villu Plingi ja Silja Saarepuu videoteoste paarik „Daami portree“ ja „Härra portree“ on suurepärane näide peaaegu nähtamatute, näiliselt tühiste tegurite väest. Väljapaneku lõppakord on Raul Meeli digitrükid, konkreetse luulena visualiseeritud armuloitsud, armastuse väe manifestatsioon.
Reet Varblane
Thanks to: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Kumu, Guesthouse Taevas, Irene Lill, Ilmar Taska, Indrek Vainu, Tanel Asmer, Indrek Kits, Lauri Kütt, Ago Paabusk, Tiina Mõttus.